Whychus Creek Stage 0 Monitoring and Design

Since 2018 W2r has assisted the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council, USGS, and academic partners with monitoring three Stage 0 projects along Whychus Creek, including the RimRock Phase IIa project. The efforts have evaluated restoration effectiveness site evolution and capacity for generating a mosaic of aquatic habitats. Specifically, W2r and project partners have gained insights on large wood distribution and mobility, revegetation trends, and post-project outcomes for existing functional habitat. This knowledge led to refining subsequent restoration approaches on Whychus Creek and benefited how restoration methods were communicated to stakeholders.

W2r recently designed the last two miles of Whychus Creek by pursuing a valley-wide Stage 0 floodplain reset that incorporates wood habitat structures, large pools, riffles, and leave islands. W2r used our modified geomorphic gradeline process based on a targeted active floodplain width to reconcile the transition from the upstream restored reach to the unrestored reach.

For project implementation, W2r developed a complex phasing and water management plan, including a fish passable bypass channel for upstream and downstream fish passage during construction. In addition, floodplain modeling of pre-and post-project conditions was performed and a CLOMR was completed. Construction of Phase IIb occurred in 2023.


Upper Deschutes Watershed Council


Stage 0, floodplain connectivity, engineered log jams, wood habitat structures, geomorphic assessment, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, UAS imagery, monitoring


Sisters, OR
