Tom Josephson

Tom is a senior ecosystem scientist and outstanding project manager. From coastal wetlands to inland floodplains, he has worked within the various hydrologic regimes created by human-manipulated landscapes to re-establish functional channel-floodplain ecosystems. Within this work he recognizes firsthand the benefits that ecosystem enhancement can have for fish, wildlife, and communities.

Through his people-focused leadership style Tom effectively engages with project teams and synthesizes the bigger picture of what resource agencies want and will permit, what landowners need as they work on and live within the landscape, and what implementation methods can best accommodate site constraints, habitat needs, and project timeframes.

Prior to joining Wolf Water Resources, Tom was the Habitat Restoration Program Lead at CREST, where he managed and implemented 17 restoration projects in the Lower Columbia River Estuary. In that role he garnered strong relationships with state and federal agencies, port authorities, state transportation departments, soil and water conservation districts, and others. Restoration successes on the Palensky-McCarthy Creek Restoration Project (in collaboration with BPA, ODFW, NRCS, WMSWCD) were recognized with an Oregon Department of State Lands Wetland Project Award.

“It’s exciting to be able to manage a restoration project from concept design through implementation. Being able to see the project constructed and producing immediate habitat benefits is very fulfilling, as well as revisiting projects years after completion and seeing the continued habitat uplift and restoration benefits which you helped work towards.”