Mike “Rocky” Hrachovec, PE

With 30 years of experience working throughout the Pacific Northwest and the Hawaiian Islands, Rocky brings a landscape-scale perspective on the ecological web and its interface with the built environment. His passion for restoring aquatic ecosystems, depth of expertise on large project implementation, and manner of engaging with people makes him an ideal partner and mentor to our clients and staff.

Rocky brings deep experience blending river restoration with natural treatment processes and has overseen the development of design packages for over 200 river, floodplain and wetland enhancement projects. His work has involved dam removal, subsurface hyporheic treatment, engineered log jams, floodplain creation, channel realignment, habitat enhancement, fish passage barrier removal, bank stabilization and bridge implementation.

Understanding the changing needs of the riverscape, asking how we can create landscapes that evolve, and considering what we can do to uplift all parts of the salmonid life cycle are foundational to Rocky’s perspective. Rocky has most recently been focused on nearshore projects that rebuild the base of the food web, including estuary restoration, revitalizing forage fish spawning habitat, and re-establishing bull kelp forests.