Hydromodification Studies

Cities in the Pacific Northwest are experiencing high peak stream flows, low summer flows, and decreased water quality associated with increased levels of development. At the planning and the design level W2r is helping water agencies manage stormwater and flooding and the related issues of erosion and degraded habitat.

W2r’s work experience ranges from advising on floodplain policy and programs for stormwater infrastructure to designing on-site features. Central to all of this work is the interplay of hydrologic and biological resources and going beyond traditional engineering analyses to deliver solutions that are work with watershed processes.

We have developed stormwater management strategies that incorporate indicators of watershed health such as hydrology and geomorphology (bank stability, channel bed profile, etc.), water quality, vegetation, and wildlife habitat. Our methods for quantifying geomorphic and hydraulic function demonstrate the importance of riparian vegetation, floodplain connectivity, and beaver dams in stabilizing streams affected by hydromodification. Our findings have been well received by regulators and water districts. Clean Water Services, for example, uses these methods as a framework for pursuing riparian planting, floodplain connectivity, and stream restoration as hydromodification mitigation.


Hydromodification mitigation, urban stream resilience, infrastructure protection, policy development, capital improvement strategy, stormwater planning


Various Cities, OR
